My garden is already so prolific this year that I thought I'd share a few recent pix. After I took these photos, Richmond received so much rain that it now looks like a rose and hydrangea jungle! I love my garden, but have found over the years that I have one small problem - I plant things way too close together. I love to move things around every year so I suppose this problem really works for me... This year it will be difficult to move some of the plants - my oak leaf and lime light hydrangeas are now over 5 feet!
In addition to the hydrangea craziness, my roses have grown at least 2 feet this spring. This yellow shrub rose or climbing rose (I really can't tell which one it is as it looks like a shrub, but is growing up the side the trellis?) is really beautiful this year. Most of the blooms have now been washed away by the rain, however, they have now been replaced with these lovely hot pink trellis roses that come back every year whether I feed them or not (gotta love those types of plants!)
You can see more of my spring garden photos, including the hubby's wonderful kitchen garden (potager), on Flickr .
The same day I took all these photos, the hubby cooked this wonderful red curry carrot soup. Yum!
I have some knitting to post so stay tuned!
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